Guyer's Story
My name is Guyer. I am named after Mark Geyer, the league player. I am 15. I live at home with my mum. When I’m not at TYMS I have a job drainlaying. I do that about 11 hours a week. It’s good pay, but I hate the job. It stinks. I’ve had three other jobs before this.
I came to TYMS to change my ways. My maths has got heaps better. I used to hate maths, now for some reason I’m good at it. You need to know maths for drainlaying. I’m not scared of hard work and I don’t mind physical labour, but I don’t want to do drainlaying for the rest of my life. To me, a good man is responsible and takes care of the people around him. I take care of my Mum, as I’m the only one at home even though I’m one of 11 kids. I’ve definitely changed since being here. Now I listen and I’m not as shy. Russel really pulled me out of my shell. These guys are good role models for being a man. They will always be by our side. Robson is like a dad to us. One day my dream is to move back up north to my whānau land and build a house. |