Our individual mentoring programme is our core TYMS service. A male mentor is suitably matched with a young person, working with them to develop their academic, social, and basic life skills, as well as fostering their connections with their family, culture, and community.
A Personal Development Plan is developed at the onset, whereby the mentor works with their young person to identify their short-term goals to be achieved during the mentoring period, as well as long term goals that will help guide the young person’s long-term thinking. Our mentors also work closely with the young person’s whānau/family, teachers, social workers and other referrers during this period, to ensure everyone are on the same page, working collaboratively with the young person at the centre.
Our TYMS Transition to Adulthood workers guide and support our young people who have been in state care to look towards the future in developing life skills i.e.
TYMS partners with Ministry of Education and Oranga Tamariki to provide a unique and individualised education programme to rangatahi placed in supervised Remand homes across Auckland. Through establishing a trust based relationship teachers motivate rangatahi to learn and see the value of learning in their life. Teachers integrate numeracy and literacy into learning activities tailored to the interests and passions of the ranagatahi. Our 'Learning by stealth' approach enables rangatahi achieve positive learning outcomes without even realising it - "Yo this isn't maths, maths isn't fun. This is easy!". Based on our understanding that 'life is learning' our teachers help reshape the way rangatahi see education often resetting past negative mindsets of education. Our programme covers life skills topics such as career planning, CV building, driver’s license study, cultural identity, creative arts, physical well-being, goal setting, taonga carving, computer coding, entrepreneurship along with basic skills in numeracy, literacy, social studies, and science.
TYMS Healthy Relationship programme is an 8-week in-school group mentoring program that teaches young people values such as kindness, respect, integrity and courage. These values enable them to build healthy and respectful relationships with family, peers, and wider community. At the same time, the program aims to foster a strengths-based school environment, where the young people themselves as well as their teachers learn to see the positives rather than the negatives, and to build on these.
Our Polyjammers Youth Basketball Programme is a 'Basketball Skills for Life' initiative, designed to support our Maori and Pacific boys to develop life-skills through social sport.
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