Food Technology |
Canvas Art |
Teaching independent living through cooking and baking lessons (a first time for some). The youth also do baking challenges and experiment dishes from diverse countries of the young person's interest e.g. Bruschetta from Italy
A mix of resources have been used at the preference of the young person (spray paint, pencils or canvas paint) to create meaningful work during their stay.
Computer CodingSpecifically for youth in residence with an interest (or career aspirations) in computing or technology
technology (resistance materials &
Literacy |
Numeracy |
The level of literacy taught varies dependent of every young person and their goals. Our aim is to help our young people gain knowledge or skills during their stay to benefit them in the long term - whether that is through NCEA credits, access to Te Kura or alternative education.
Creative, engaging and interactive ways to teach numeracy e.g. flying paper planes (a method to calculate mean, median, distance and average) or teaching financial numeracy through Shopping sales and budgeting.
Career Planning |
Culture, Politics & Social Studies |
Our teachers have be creating vision boards or researching courses together with the young person that are relevant to their interests. This is then followed up with a SMART plan of what they will need to do to enter those courses/career paths.
Research topics on countries of interest, and special gatherings in alignment with Pacific language weeks i.e. a special lunch and cultural performance hosted by the residential youth, during Cook Island Language Week. The youth also learnt how to make cultural props and tapa mats during other Pacific language weeks.
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